Affinity Groups

亲和组是一群共享同一身份的个体, 或者基于社会身份的价值观/世界观. There are multiple student Affinity Groups at the University of Denver that provide spaces of connection, respite, and community. 杜克大学的大多数亲和团体都是针对特定种族的团体,他们也欢迎盟友, but a few bring together students based on religious identity and gender and sexuality who are historically underrepresented.

The following organizations are mostly undergraduate Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) with Undergraduate Student Government (USG), 但我们会继续增加毕业生亲和小组,因为我们了解到他们. The 美国政府多元化委员会 (DivCom) oversees the facilitation and additional funding for member organizations of Joint Council. Joint Council consists of representatives from multiple underrepresented affinity groups who are RSOs. The Cultural Center works closely with 美国政府多元化委员会 and Joint Council (a subgroup of DivCom), 但这些组织是自治的.

并且独立于中心. 看看下面的小组,找到一个社区,你自己也可以加入其中, or as an ally.

Student Groups


我们非洲学生联合会的使命是创造一个庆祝教育的空间, 并参与许多富人的理解, 非洲多元文化. 通过非洲文化活动, 它将介绍非洲食物的多种特色, dance, music, etc. This organization’s purpose is to serve African students and its allies at the University of Denver to create an inclusive institution. 非洲学生联合会的最终目标是使这一身份在校园里得到庆祝和赞赏.

*Joint Council Member

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Asian Student Alliance

The mission of the Asian Student Alliance at the University of Denver (ASA DU) is to provide a support group for each Asian American student on campus while addressing academic, political, and social issues through community events aimed at cultivating a stronger understanding between different groups, 在当地社区做志愿者, 以及校园关系网. 虽然我们符合亚洲利益,但我们不是亚洲独有的. ASA will also work in collaboration with all other student organizations and affinity groups to promote and educate the community about inclusive excellence.

*Joint Council Member

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The Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) at the University of Denver aims to provide and facilitate advocacy, community, resource-sharing, 专业发展. 欲了解更多信息,请联系2021-2022年总统, Cory Jackson, or Advisor, Dr. Andriette Jordan-Fields.

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Black Student Alliance

The University of Denver’s Black Student Alliance is an organization dedicated to promoting cultural awareness and solidarity on campus. 我们组织的主要焦点之一是促进会员的个人发展, 并鼓励他们成为积极的社区贡献者.

*Joint Council Member

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Chabad at the University of Denver is dedicated to serving all students on campus through various programs. 我们提供支持知识的教育和手段, awareness, 和犹太教的实践, which allows students of all backgrounds to experience the individual religious tradition of every student on campus and as the Jewish tradition strongly discourages proselytizing and conversation, participation in programs that may have a component of religious observance are being offered to non-Jewish students as a cultural and educational experience.

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We, 女权主义学生联盟, strive to empower undergraduate students at the University of Denver to be their authentic selves through action, 讨论与认识. We're committed to maintaining a sustainable student voice as the FSA works to create support for gender and women's issues.

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We build a Jewish community whose values enrich the lives of students during their college years and beyond.

*Joint Council Member

科罗拉多州的希勒尔试图参与进来, 授权并与犹太大学生合作,在科罗拉多州立大学创建犹太社区, 科罗拉多大学,杜克大学以及科罗拉多的其他校区. 希勒尔为犹太学生提供了探索和庆祝犹太身份的机会. 科罗拉多州的希勒尔是世界上最大的犹太校园组织的一部分, 希勒尔:犹太MG线上电子游戏新MG线上电子游戏. 我们位于2390 S赛跑街,在赛跑的拐角处 & Wesley.

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The purpose of the 拉丁学生联盟 will be to create and provide a strong and positive support group for Latine populations on campus through the promotion of cultural awareness and inclusivity. 为了解决学术问题, social, 和政治问题,LSA将提供文化活动, community involvement, advocacy, 以及学生的支持,同时与校园内的其他团体和社区合作. 这样做,LSA将促进新MG线上电子游戏的意识和团结.

*Joint Council Member

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The Muslim Students Association (MSA) at DU is a non-exclusive student organization comprised of students at the University of Denver who are interested in building bridges between the Muslim minority on campus and the greater DU community. 我们为校园内的穆斯林社区提供访问和参与,并创建一个先知社区.

*Joint Council Member

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The 本地学生联盟 is a community here at the University of Denver consisting of (but not limited to) students and faculty of Indigenous American descent. Our main goal as an organization is to increase awareness and allies on DU’s campus and to provide fellowship and support for members, 以及促进多样性. 从原住民社区的七名学生开始, 现在校园里已经有30多名土著学生. 我们的群体在文化、语言和传统方面是多样化的. Everyday we are always learning and that is one of our unique qualities that helps us persevere together.

*Joint Council Member

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Neurodiversity refers to how natural variety in brain structures and functions impacts our human experiences. 新MG线上电子游戏残疾有很多负面的污名, 包括看不见的残疾,比如多动症, dyslexia, and Autism. 将残疾视为神经多样性展示了我们在思考和学习方面的差异, 而不是将其视为赤字. 神经多样性资源小组 is a cohort of students who want to make DU more accessible and help build understanding of neurodiversity across campus. It is open to students of with any kind of disability and nondisabled students who are our allies and peers. NRG的目标是作为DU社区的资源. 我们希望倡导残疾学生和学习差异, 为学生编写信息程序, faculty and staff, 建立一个由神经多样性学生组成的社区.

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我们努力创造一个鼓励合作的系统, coordination, cohesion, and communication among all students; enhances student development through educational and social programming; promotes the welfare of the university community as a whole through advocacy; and establishes an effective and representative body for LGBTQIA+ related issues.

*Joint Council Member

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我们的使命是在校园里为南亚学生建立一个文化中心. We strive to create an inclusive community that enables the celebration and discussion of our culture while informing others of it. 通过创造这样一个环境, 学生有一个安全的地方来实践他们的文化,如果他们无法做到这一点.

*Joint Council Member

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Check out this Diversity Committee website with upcoming events from Joint Council Member Organizations!



  • 美国政府多元化委员会

    Our Mission

    It is the mission of the Diversity Committee to create a more equitable and inclusive student experience; advocate for the necessary resources to advance the interests of historically underrepresented students by connecting them to their own and the larger Denver community; support them in their advocacy and activism; and increase their visibility within their DU community.



  • 多元文化希腊议会

    Our Purpose

    新MG线上电子游戏的多元文化希腊理事会致力于促进高等教育, 提供社区服务, enhance leadership, 并作为多元文化希腊理事会之间的联络人, 大学学生团体, and administration, 从而改善校园环境.



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多元化、公平、 & Inclusion

Check out more campus-在DDEI的网站上有广泛的资源和团体!

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