



信息 & FRF申请人建议指引

请阅读下文,了解学院研究基金的目的。, 支持和不支持的活动类型, 以及在做出资金决定时使用的主要标准和优先事项. This program is different from the PROF fund in that it targets smaller projects with grants of up to $3000 for actual costs incurred. Funding decisions will be made by the Academic Planning Committee of the 教师参议院 (APC) in collaboration with the Senior Vice Provost for Research 和 Graduate Education.


FRF grants aim to stimulate research, scholarship, 和 creative activity by DU faculty. 


All appointed faculty are eligible for FRF grants (adjunct faculty are not eligible for this grant). All eligible faculty are encouraged to apply; however, 在拨款方面, 优先考虑以下事项:

  • 助理教授 
  • 来自教学和专业学院和图书馆系列的申请人 
  • Applicants who have not received a grant from this fund within the past three years 
  • Applicants who have not received other internal funding within the past two years 
  • 申请项目未获外部资助的申请人
  • 学术和创造性产品的开发(e).g.(如研究或捏造)与仅传播(如.g.、出版或展览) 

*Please note that there is a limit of one application—with a funding request for only one project—per faculty member per funding cycle. 


FRF funds are intended to cover faculty expenses beyond normal departmental support. 它们不是为了减轻部门预算. 研究和创造性活动的大部分费用都是符合条件的. 例如, 资金可以用来支付材料, 专用设备, 研究助理, 从档案和特殊收藏中复制, 抄录采访, 编码数据, 复制和邮寄问卷, 出版版面收费. 资金也可用于支付必要的旅行费用.g.(交通、住房和膳食). 

但是,少数费用明确排除在FRF支助之外. 不会为以下项目提供资金: 

  • 教师的工资 
  • 课程发布 
  • 学生研究(i).e.,用于学生自己的项目) 
  • 参加会议  
  • 课程开发 
  • 日常办公费用 

一般来说,补助金只用于尚未发生的费用. 然而, if a time-sensitive opportunity presents itself in the period between FRF application deadlines—for example, 面试对象变得出乎意料地可用, 或者在A市的档案馆工作的时候, one becomes aware of material in city B—a request for retroactive funding may be submitted at the next application deadline. Explain the timing 和 nature of the opportunity that required the expense before the FRF proposal cycle. 此类请求将仅根据既定标准进行评估, 不考虑费用的时间. 

资金通常必须在奖助金颁发之日起24个月内用完. 然而, 如果你提前一年知道一个研究机会, 你不必等到最近的截止日期才请求FRF支持. 

如果对你的活动是否符合资助准则有疑问, 请联络研究副教务长(科琳.lengfeld@oldtimer-markt.net)或教务委员会学术规划委员会主席(珍妮花.campbell@oldtimer-markt.net).  



  • 明确概念发展问题的研究 
  • 明确项目的基本原理,并讨论其重要性 
  • Appropriateness of budget—each funded expense must be eligible for support 和 explicitly justified 
  • Importance of the proposed work to the faculty member's professional development 
  • 提高教员声誉的潜力, 学术单位, 和新MG线上电子游戏的合作,从最终出版的可能性来看, 展览, 或性能 
  • Likelihood of successful completion of the project within the timeline 和 budget 
  • 合格标准 

格式说明 & 提交提案

Please email your proposal as a single PDF file 和 your completed Excel budget template to FRFSubmissions@oldtimer-markt.net. (包括你的姓氏和“F23 FRF”在每个文件的标题). 

对于你的提议, 请使用单行距, 12号字体, 页边距为1英寸, 请包括以下五个部分(编号1-5): 

  • 1. 联系信息


  • 2. Title & 摘要

    Please provide a project title plus an abstract of no more than 100 words describing your project in a manner underst和able by a general audience. (如果你获得了FRF资助,你的摘要可能会被张贴在DU的网页上).

  • 3. 目前的资金情况

    Please provide information about grants or funding awards you have received over the past 3 years, or any grants or funding awards with which you are currently working; specify the name of the award 和/or source of funding 和 the project for which the funding was received. 请注意,当比较两个同样优秀的建议, 没有资金或资金不足的申请人将优先考虑. 

  • 4. 叙述

    Taking great care to write in a way that is underst和able to members of the APC (who are from many different disciplines) 和 keeping to a 1000-word limit, please provide a brief narrative describing your project 和 HOW YOU PROPOSE TO USE FRF funds. 你的叙述将根据以下六个标准进行评判, which you should address clearly in their respective text boxes 和 within the word limits:

    • 概念: 描述你研究的目的, 你的方法, 以及你将如何使用或传播完成的作品. Remember that you are writing for non-expert colleagues who may not be familiar with field-specific practices 和 technical jargon, 因此,包括理解项目所需的定义或上下文. (最多600字)
    • 理由是: 解释你的项目的重要性和影响. What new knowledge or creative expression will be generated 和 how will it contribute to the ongoing conversation or innovation in your field? (200字)
    • 职业发展: Explain how progress on or completion of this project supports your professional development, 包括这个项目对你的连任是否重要, 促销活动, 或者终身教职后的回顾. (100字)
    • 声誉: 说明你希望这个项目如何提高你的学术声誉, 你们部门的声誉, 以及大学的声誉. (100字)
    • 完成: Provide a timeline for the project's completion 和 explain how securing FRF funds will help you complete the project within this timeline. (100字)

    Please use these subheadings so that the APC can easily tell where you address each of these six criteria. 记住, the APC is made up of your colleagues from across campus who may not be knowledgeable about your field; please make sure that your narrative is clear, 简洁的, 和非技术.

  • 5. 预算 & 预算的理由

    The 7th criterion used to evaluate your application is your 预算的理由. 提供一份清晰的费用清单,说明你申请资助的费用. 每笔费用, 说明目的, 位置/供应商, 量, 简要介绍一下这次旅行, 材料, 等. 为项目的完成做出贡献. Please indicate if expenses are needed for the development of your scholarly 和 creative product (e.g.(研究或制造)或传播(例如.g.、出版或展览). If justification for an item is not specific, the APC may deduct the item from the 量 awarded.



    • 如果你想让FRF支付研究助理的费用, 具体说明:你每小时付给这个人多少钱? What is the justification for this pay rate based on university scales 和/or professional field scales? 如何 did you determine how many total hours the research assistant would need for a given activity? 
    • 大学给学生的工资从每小时19美元到26美元不等, depending on the type of student support 和 their level of experience 和 specialization. 查看更多指导 工资率和职位分类.
    • 如果你想用FRF支付机票或其他交通费用, 具体说明:你是如何得到你想要的金额的? 
    • 如果你想让FRF支付餐费,请注明.S. 政府为你所住城市提供的每日餐费? 
    • 如果你想让FRF支付住宿费,请注明.S. 政府为您所住城市提供的每日住宿费? 
    • If you want the FRF to pay for a budget item that might on the surface appear to some APC members to be ineligible for FRF funding—e.g., 教师的工资, 课程发布, 学生项目, 参加会议, 课程开发, or routine office expenses—specify: Why should the APC view the item as eligible? 例如, why should the APC view the item as something other than a routine office expense? 


A brief (one page) written report must be submitted electronically to the Office of the Senior Provost for Research (科琳.lengsfeld@oldtimer-markt.net),在项目期结束后尽快提交, 而且不得迟于拨款用完后六个月. The report should compare the project's outcome or progress against what was laid out in the proposal, 和 it is required before the applicant is eligible for future funding from the DU 教职员研究基金. 
